Incredibly easy-to-use and superbly accurate payroll software. Why deal with traditional payroll software or clumsy spreadsheet that are tedious and quite time consuming whereas PiPO’s payroll is stress-free? Store all your employees’ payroll details in one secure place and run your payroll in a matter of minutes – actually, it takes less time than it normally takes to make a cup of your favorite coffee! Run payroll and have your team paid in just a few clicks. Moreover, you can even set it on AutoPilot Automatically send secure online payslips.
Save your admin expenses from exorbitant bank charges by paying employees directly to their PiPO Wallet. Give them the freedom to utilize their money however, they deem fit… Give employees the Power to Pay, Save, Borrow, and Protect, it’s that simple! .
Track, manage, and follow the advance processes in the most practical way. Employees can easily and quickly request an advance payment from PiPO’s employee self-service and together with managers, view the advances processed. Alternatively, set each employee and/ or department’s advance limit and have them access it in real-time on their PiPO Wallet.
Automate paying your staff the right salary and wages, at the right time by simply keeping payroll and HR records in sync. You are free from duplicate processing… Download statutory reports including: - PAYE, NSSF, NHIF, HELB, NITA and any other range of common payroll reports .